Friday, 18 April 2008

A new Church a new adventure

What has been happening?

Well this Sunday I begin at a new church Holy Trinity. It also happens to be the same day my Diocesan Ordination Training Group are visiting Holy Trinity as a part of our bi monthly experince of different forms of worship.

My soon to be new vicar has asked if I will stand up at the end of the service in a bit of an "Oprah" moment and have an introduction question and answer session before the congregation. All very out there!

In the mean time I was asked if I had any prayers suitable for a service which would include teenage girls for this Sunday in light of the horrible week we have had with teenagers here.

For thsoe of you from over seas in the last 2 days we have had 6 teen agers and a teacher from Elim Chrsitian School in the North Island killed in a flash flood on an outdoor pursuits weekend and a local teenager Marie Davis abducted 10 days ago found dead in a river.

So here is what I wrote feeling totally inadequate to the task I would have to say and aware that all over the country others such as me will be struggling to find words both appropriate for the occassion and the age group.

We pray for those who have been taken unexpectedly,
For Marie Davis for the young men and women from the Elim Christian school,

for Floyd, Portia, Tom, Natasha, Anthony, Tony, and Tara.
Holding in our prayers, their families, their friends and all who grieve.

Lord of the unexpected
There are times when I am lost
When this place,
your creation,
can suddenly feel unsafe.
Out in the world,
on the streets,
life goes on,
when I want to stop it for a moment, and ask you why?
Why someone with their whole life before them is taken in an instant?
Why it is that those most beautiful in your sight suffer?
Why it feels like nothing will ever be the same again?

In homes and in class rooms,
for families and friends
there are moments and memories that will never be made,
family occasions that will be incomplete,
text messages meant to bring a smile that will never to be sent,
empty spaces in class rooms,
forever left unfilled.

Yet in all the questions,
the “What ifs”, and the “Maybes” Lord, there is thanks,
Thanks for the joy each of them brought to those around them,
for the smiles and fun times they were a part of,
for the friendships they enriched,
for the talents and gifts they shared.

We give thanks that at this time-however sad,
we are reminded of how special life is,
how precious are those with us here today,
and that unfailing you stand with us in grief and in gladness.


God of our darkness and our light
Watch over those who at this time must be strong for others,
Be at their backs Lord when the burden is too great
Give strength to trembling arms that hold up others,
Forever whispering soft words of morning for those who minister to the night.

Bless all of you who are struggling to find the words


Monday, 14 April 2008

“Announcing your plans is a great way to hear God laugh”.

Well after weeks of my build up to leaving my parish yesterday it finally happened.
It was one of those times where the saying came true of “Announcing your plans is a great way to hear God laugh”.

I told myself, that I would not cry, I prayed that I would have courage, be graceful and composed and indeed for a few seconds I really was. Yet each moment through the service I was aware was my last as a part of this community. Being Lay Minister I told myself I should be all those things I prayed for and my priest just told me to be honest. So when it got to the Eucharist I knew all prayers would not be answered.

At our church when we take Eucharist everyone comes and stands around the table in a large circle and we all stand together until everyone has partaken. It is a way of taking Eucharist I find immensely powerful and stunningly moving. One of the other vicars Jim was presiding so David and I were chalice bearers. I am not sure if this was by design or not as this was also the culmination of David and my time in Spiritual Direction (4 1/2 years weekly is a long time). So I take the chalice and go to the first person and I am washed over by this wave of grief, of mine, of others, of the blood symbolized in the wine I carry, and I just start to cry. Not huge sobs but a steady trickle of tears that wont stop. Each person I go to is a parting and I look at them and see in some too tears, some for leaving, some for their own pain laid open before God. Beside me David (how does he keep so cool) just paces it with me. And as I go around hands start to touch me as I pass, to support me as I go around. And it is done. As we clear the table I hide behind a pillar, and blow my nose once more blessing the maker of waterproof mascara. Then at the end I come forward for the Release and Blessing as written below.

Completion, Release & Blessing
the Parish Priest addresses the Theological Student…

Priest: Megan, you have shared with us in this parish of St Luke,
as fellow pilgrim on the Way, and as Theological Student in the testing of vocation.
What do you now ask of us?

Megan: Release from the community, and from the ministry I have been exercising.

Priest: What do you seek?

Megan: The will and the glory of God.

Priest: How do you seek it?

Megan: Through the completion of my baptism, by following Christ crucified and risen.

the Parish Priest addresses the congregation…

Priest: My friends in Christ, we give thanks to God for the loving service of Megan.
You hear her request;
will you now release her from this service?
All: We will, by God’s grace.

the Priest places a Crucifix in the Student’s hands…

Priest: Megan, see the sign of the Cross; bear this sign always in your hands and on your
heart, as Christ’s body in the world. Amen.

Priest: Let us pray;
Christ our Lover, True Light who enlightens all people:
Shine, we pray,
in the hearts of all who seek after you,
that we may clearly see the way that leads to life eternal,
and may follow it without stumbling;
for you are the Way, O Christ,
as you are the Truth and Life;
and you live and reign for ever.
All : Amen.

Priest: Megan, by the laying on of our hands
we bless you for all that you have been to us,
and for all that will be required of you in the future.
Go with our love and our prayers,
and may all things belonging to the Spirit live and grow in you.

Go with our thanks,
with our forgiveness,
and the love we express by the touch of our hands.
The blessing of God be with you always.
All: Amen.

The irony of course is in that moment feeling the hands of my community touching me, praying over me, wiping my eyes like a child, holding me (the rebels saying no we wont release her in the service) I finally feel that I really am loved and valued and a part of my community all on the day of goodbye.

The Amen’s are sung (my favourite part of the whole service besides the Eucharist) and I for the first time just listen and hope I can hold this feeling within me as I leave. Next week a new congregation a new beginning.