Thursday, 30 July 2009

Coming Up For Air

Okay my life in the last fortnight coming up for Air...
after a week of in and out of Accident and Emergency with Shawn we have settled down to the maddness of college life which includes :
Just finishing a week long preaching course...fantastic... new fav preacher Barbara Brown Taylor...totally reshaped how I look at preaching
Wrote new poem...
inspired to write some more reflections on bible ...
had Bishop Victoria up last couple of days at college had dinner with her thoroughly enjoyed that...
finished icon of John the Baptist photo coming soon...
Women's Studies commission meeting yesterday with representatives from around the pacific and here in Aotearoa New Zealand am to develop web page and poss news letter on that exciting...
Started varsity Bible in popular culture interesting tossing up between essay on Christian artists in NZ or the use of Blood in Vampire tv series as a Eucharistic metaphor...
Bought Trueblood ...loved it...wept at Eucharist in a moment overcomeness at the offering ...
got a book for my brother which I am reading first by drummer from Korn...
Missing my brother...
New lecturer at varsity on Church History who is actually passionate and excited about subject what a change...
Taken up a teaching paper at varsity..
being either a bar tender or waitress on Tuesday at Liturgical commission dinner to earn some dosh always nice...
Enjoying teaching icons...sharing teaching with art historian very interested in Orthodox view of eternity...
More to come peace and apologies for my slackness Meg in the looking at changing the layout of this blog ...will see

Meg in the wind