Friday, 30 January 2009

Wow it's finally happened!

Well it is about 5:30am here in a waking up Christchurch. I am in work as much because there is no way I am going back to sleep at this stage.

Today is my last day at work and as I sit here typing I feel tears wreaking my infrequently applied make up. I think it has hit home that I am leaving people who have become as family to me. In a couple of hours we will meet for a work farewell breakfast and as I sit here looking at my increasingly stripped down office I am aware that if I have learnt anything over this year of leavings it is that I am profoundly and deeply loved.

Not only by God but by my colleagues, my family, my friends. It is a humbling thing to experience as much because I suspect that over the year there have been others who loved me who I never allowed myself to acknowledge.

So here I am tissue in one hand listening to the Wellington Ukaleli Orchestra singing its a heartache preparing to leave.

In the next few days the packers come then next weekend we are all on our way to St Johns College. Tomorrow is my extended whanau (family) farewell, next Friday it is Shawn's family farewell with a couple of others in between.

So many farewells the cost of feeling the love I guess.

I give thanks to God who has moved so profoundly in our lives this week and continues to move.

Please pray for us in on our journey to the North Island
