Monday, 28 June 2010


The lost as yet unaware of their absence from Grace
see not the path they have strayed from,
nor the deep blue waters beneath which they sink.

Instead an SOS unsent
taps absently out from wayward fingers
the unconscious expression of a muffled intuition.
Come back baby
All is not well
the wise have long left to speak their truths into the earth.

I am aware for perhaps the first time in an age the need for wise counsel removed from the politics of the church, from personal agenda and bias.
The danger of immersing oneself in the smallness of the church community I suppose. And I am aware of at the craziness of a month in which:
15000 words have been written,
exams had,
a four course dinner for Bishops, Archbishops inc ++Katherine Jeffers Schori has been cooked,
meetings attended,
and today begins the facilitating of a group for the hermeutics hui looking at sexuality,
fly to Dunedin Sunday for week long Christology course before two days with family,
mtg with Bishop and back in time for tea and the new semester.

Is it any wonder that in the wee small hours I sit aware of the madness of the church with issues peculating around vying for allegiance. God at this point I choose to keep my counsel unto you, help me in the next few days stand purely in the love of you and your creation.