Friday, 17 August 2007

Ave Maria

On Sunday we celebrated the Feast of Mary at Church. It is one of my favourite festivals and one not often acknowledged now besides a casual passing remark in the Church.

In part I guess there is very much a feeling of too much adoration of Mary being dare I say it Popish. Lets not set her up as the Mother of God, lets not venerate her as one, and sadly in our throwing out the mother with the bath water lets not acknowledge her as the Theotokos the Christ bearer. What happens in our turning Mary and dare I say women in general in the bible to curious footnotes or the good old Christmas favourite, is that we end up blocking a way back to God for many.

When I first came back to faith it wasn't God that clinched the deal it was Mary.
To come before God seemed too overwhelming on a first try, but here in Mary I found a way in. As someone who had spent a lot of time in the feminist movement the thought of a male God was quite frankly terrifying - after all you know what Christians have done to woman over the years. I think of it almost like people think of a genetic memory, that somewhere at a fight or flight level I held a sense of distrust and weariness of Christians. Of course this all becomes very confusing when the very thing you have been taught to beware of, is the very thing that continues to pull at your soul. And somewhere you know that if you don't go there, the real healing that needs to take place will never occur.

When I finally, after a sleepless night, found myself manically walking through the streets of Christchurch, driven by the knowledge that somehow I had to make a connection with God or I would be lost, it was Mary that pathed the way back in. After trying Church after church (closed) & finally finding an open one, I was left with a cold chill. I am standing on the threshold of this Church not even sure how I got there, very much aware of the doorway in which I stood being a portal to something new. On one side the old familiar 'drowning here' life, a step into the church and there a life fraught with danger and unfamiliar dangerous people with strange ideas.

This is not a logical moment, it is an instinctual one, one of intimate need and calling. Either way possibly destruction. As I stand there still in the door way my eyes become accustomed to the light, and there she is, a statue of Our Lady of Walsingham, Mary. What tiny biblical knowledge I have resurfaces and I see her not as the Mother of Our Lord, or any fancy title, but as the young woman in fear, met by an angel, given a challenge. The young woman placed in a situation where to say yes or no, is intensely dangerous. In her I found someone I could relate too, someone I could understand and who could understand me. A tentative step later and I am through the door.

The Visitation

He comes to her,
midnight blue meets bold as light- courageous day.
He pries the fist from her mouth
finger by finger
Releasing lips he whispers thoughts of revelation
swallows whole... sweet words of decent

This is our secret little girl
our silent revolution.

Into this absolution... black... soft...uncertain
crashes the first and final son


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean there are times like now when the church seems and dangerous and unsafe place. But where do you go when you know this is where you are suppossed to be?


Fringe Dweller said...

Dearest Lill
Thank you for your comment. You bring up a really good point, where do we go when we feel unsafe. Well I guess the first thing I would ask (and please know that I am not asking you to say here) is what does unsafe mean?

There are times when the church can be an unsafe place for many reasons.
1) because through someone or the culture there are things/practices which are unsafe.
2) when emotional Physical/Spiritual/Mental wellbeing is threatened.
3) When we are raw about an issue we can find a place unsafe too.
4) When the spirit is moving and shifting the ground underneath us.

Without knowing how things feel unsafe to you at the moment Lill I guess I would be asking myself which category the feelings fit into. If it is one or two then then we need to look at how to get some safe compassionate proactive support and healing. If our feelings of unsafety are more in the 3 or 4 category then things can happen in another way, and finding someone to help you work through what is happening whilst staying in the process is important. Regardless finding someone you do feel safe to confide in is important. And if that does not work keep searching for safe people to talk to until you find someone who believes and supports you.

Please know you can talk to me more on this


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it’s hard you know?
I try to put it into words when I feel pushed but when I go to say how I feel I don't have the language to explain myself in the way that feels understood or listened too. And those I try to talk with use terms I don't always get so I feel small and thick. I say I want to take up space but it takes me an age to post when I have to think so much about what it is I want to say. I related to what you said about the space you were in with headaches when you can't concentrate and get the words out. They use language I don’t know. That’s why I like the poetry even when I can’t get your religious references I get the imagery I know what it is to be in a storm.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it’s hard you know?
I try to put it into words when I feel pushed but when I go to say how I feel I don't have the language to explain myself in the way that feels understood or listened too. And those I try to talk with use terms I don't always get so I feel small and thick. I say I want to take up space but it takes me an age to post when I have to think so much about what it is I want to say. I related to what you said about the space you were in with headaches when you can't concentrate and get the words out. They use language I don’t know. That’s why I like the poetry even when I can’t get your religious references I get the imagery I know what it is to be in a storm.
