Monday, 15 September 2008

In Search of a Theologically Juicy Human Experience

Today I am trying to get my head around bringing together the latest edition of the Ministry Times (I will post the link later). And what I am noticing reading through the content here is something lacking.

There are some interesting pieces which so far look like this:
*Ordained a Servant for Christ’s Sake – + Victoria Matthews
*Ordained a Priest - A Study Reflecting On Ordained Priesthood
*Supervision Pieces
*Pakeha Identity -Naming and Framing it for Anglicans in Aotearoa
*Training in Supervision

But I am missing something this time and I am not sure if it is the human nature piece or that I am looking for something really theologically juicy.

Of course this raises another question for me which is: Is my dissatisfaction with the content anything to do with the magazine or is it me who is wanting a human nature experience or indeed something theologically juicy … or in fact a theologically juicy human experience?

Such are the wonderings at this stage of the game.
Megin the wind

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