Monday, 17 March 2008

There are moments when I am lost.

There are times when I become lost in a moment when new or rich significance rises before me. Or ponderings that may or may not lead to something bigger occur. One such moment happened on Palm Sunday. I was crucifer for the service (the person who carries the cross). As we walked on the streets to church waving fronds I was aware of the shocked look of passes by in their cars. What’s this? Strange Anglicans on the streets! Just as we were to begin a comment was made about us shy Anglican types how we were not used to being out there in such a way and I was saddened. I had I guess visions of throngs of faithful celebrating through the streets came to mind.

Inside I recalled the words ‘We become the symbols we carry’ All very heavy when the symbol you carry is the cross. As I sat down I looked at the people around me and I wondered how many of them prayed in certainty of a living active alive God listening tenderly to them. Did they have a sense of God working in their lives, even though it may not be in a way we expect. Or was it formula until the real tragic moments came to the fore and people desperately called out to God?

I wondered what the role of priest was not in praying for people but in guiding the prayer life of the congregation, of how an individuals approach to prayer impacted and what that may mean. And I wondered if in our polite Anglicanism we risked in a safe psychological God missing out on a wild dangerous passionate demanding God.

As for here the news is out that our new bishop is to be Bishop Victoria Matthews and I now know where I am moving too on the 13th of April (not long now and I will be off to Holy Trinity) so the separation continues with folk.

For this moment I am killing time with you all before I head over to the Cathedral where several of us are joining some folk from the Court theatre where we will be involved in the recitation of poems from author Michael Justin Davis’s book ‘To the Cross’. I am reading the anointing woman (bit of a theme at the moment)

The Great Triduum looms blessings to you all may we all be turned upside down this Easter.



Crimson Rambler said...

Hello Dweller! Glad that the news about Bishop Matthews is now "out." It was leaked to us via the Guardian...keen interest is felt in this news, locally, here in Canadian Prairie Diocese! [wink]

Fringe Dweller said...

Yes almost a case of the worlds worst kept secrets but we could not confirm it for some time! Now of course there is much tooing and frooing as people try to get a handle on the Bishop of Christchurch to be, whose installation is still some time away on August 30th. I imagine will take some time for us all to get a sense of each other. So I am resisting the temptation to find labels as they all seem (depending on the camp) to contradict each other with each news entry, each blog site. I do however wait with anticipation.

Blessings to you Crimson (whom I imagine have a far better handle on it than I over there in the Prairie Country) this Easter


Mark Brown said...

Greetings Megan!

Thanks for your interest in my blog: I am not sure if you signed up for subscription as you requested, so I have sent you an invite.

God bless,

Rev Mark

Mark Brown said...


Can I recommend for a good laugh:

Rev Mark